To Water or to Digā€¦

I went strolling out for my morning garden tour with no particular mission in mind.Ā  But when I got to the potato patch I wonderedā€¦ shall I water these sad looking plants–some yellowing, some clearly dead, others chipper and green and trying to thrive despite their want of regular watering–or shall I digā€¦

Bracing myself for disappointment I grabbed a hand rake and scritched at the surface of some of the withered lifeless vinesā€¦when what should appear but a lovely dusty potato!!! YIPEE!

I scritched and scratched some more, and more potatoes–whites ones and red ones, even one JUMBO one (thereā€™s always one fellow that taps into the water just right and busts his buttons outgrowing the rest).Ā  And soon I was hunting down the pitchfork and digging deeper to turn up buried treasure.

Wonderful hot sweaty work it was in the morning sun.Ā  But I turned about a square yard of that bed and I have potatoes for many potato salads to come!


The moral of the story is, donā€™t judge a garden or a life by its surface.Ā  Fruit may not be visible but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not there.Ā  Dig a little.Ā  Get to know whatā€™s beneath the surface of that foliage, that face, that lifestyleā€¦.You may be inĀ  for a surprise!Ā 


In other news this weekā€¦

  • We watched rampaging Redcoats (aka the RCMP Musical Ride)


  • motored across the lake for a swimā€¦


  • beheld my Japanese Anemone in bloomĀ  (I love it!Ā  Thanks Nola!)


  • Walked the neighborhood admiring neighborā€™s dahlias



  • and documented the wonder of being togetherā€¦

for just a little longerā€¦P1110828

while this bedazzlingly warm and dry summer fleets sweetly awayā€¦but not without notice!


ā€œTo every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavenā€¦ā€ Eccl. 3:1

Heat, Blessed Heat!

It brings the garden to life.Ā  Nasturtiums tumble over themselves inĀ  spontaneous flaming festoonsā€¦

a palette of warm colorsP1110720

glorying in morning sunā€¦.




This variation, a peachy cream, was a surprise!P1110737P1110738

Potatoes rush to bloomā€¦


And the zucchini is outgrowing our ability to consume it!Ā  No sooner does one become a delicious meal of ā€˜Zucchini Wonderā€™, then another two are ready the next morningā€¦Weā€™ve got a backlog already and theyā€™ve only just begun!Ā  (If you live in the vicinity, donā€™t hesitate to come by and pick up a zucchini for dinner!)

[And if you donā€™t live nearby, please share a recipe!!!]



All because of blessed heat!Ā  Oh, I love it, when I can shed wool socks and sweaters and leave doors and windows wide, and dare to dip in water!P1110702at Inland Lake

These gi-normous bullfrog tadpoles love it too!Ā  And they know where to find the warmest water.Ā  So naturally, we had a swim together yesterday in a sheltered cove on Powell Lake.


My sympathies to those of you who must endure searing steering wheels and cannot relate to heat being a blessed thing.Ā  I was there onceā€¦Ā  But for this season of life, I just canā€™t get enough of summerā€™s blessed heat and all the good things it brings!





Around the Blockā€¦

After a busy week of planning and carrying out great celebrations of our youngest ā€˜chirpā€™ graduating, itā€™s been good to recoup and regroupā€¦and make myself get out in the little windows of brightness without rain and see that all is well and still beautiful in my Fatherā€™s worldā€¦





P1110309One saggy evening after a slow day of much rain and little inspiration I stepped out to walk around the block. This little bird, intent on rousing me from my malaise, kept swooping down at my backā€”till I turned and had a talk with him now high on his perch. He twittered back and we had a little responsive whistling going for just a bit before I went on my way, just a bit brighter than when Iā€™d set out ( : P1110312

So, may I commend to you a walk around the block next time your dayĀ  hangs heavy?

And consider too these lyrics which brightened my morning today, sung here by GLAD:


This is my Fatherā€™s world, should my heart be ever sad? The lord is Kingā€”let the heavens ring. God reignsā€”let the earth be glad


A sad little end note hereā€¦ no longer are my solo walks under surveillance from this window. My elderly neighbor of all these years, who moved here with her husband from Italy in the 50s and built the house next door to us, has moved away to live with family. Her house is now up for sale, complete with these ā€˜pinksā€™ that she always insisted smelled so much better than mine!
