A Winter’s Day Walk…

Broom and bramble compete to obscure the way, but twin firs mark it still…P1130560

The Lake gleams far below where sun has shot through clouds’ billowing defenses…


Young trees rise to conquer the once-cleared slope…


Boats and their houses lie safely snugged in quiet harbor lolling below…


While a gut-wrenchingly forlorn bray rends the air as if speaking for the whole of creation: “How long, Lord, how long?”


“For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now…Even so, come Lord Jesus.” (Rom.8:22; Rev.22:20)


“At twenty, you want to save the world. At forty, you want to be saved from it.”—Robert Bruce

Heat, Blessed Heat!

It brings the garden to life.  Nasturtiums tumble over themselves in  spontaneous flaming festoons…

a palette of warm colorsP1110720

glorying in morning sun….




This variation, a peachy cream, was a surprise!P1110737P1110738

Potatoes rush to bloom…


And the zucchini is outgrowing our ability to consume it!  No sooner does one become a delicious meal of ‘Zucchini Wonder’, then another two are ready the next morning…We’ve got a backlog already and they’ve only just begun!  (If you live in the vicinity, don’t hesitate to come by and pick up a zucchini for dinner!)

[And if you don’t live nearby, please share a recipe!!!]



All because of blessed heat!  Oh, I love it, when I can shed wool socks and sweaters and leave doors and windows wide, and dare to dip in water!P1110702at Inland Lake

These gi-normous bullfrog tadpoles love it too!  And they know where to find the warmest water.  So naturally, we had a swim together yesterday in a sheltered cove on Powell Lake.


My sympathies to those of you who must endure searing steering wheels and cannot relate to heat being a blessed thing.  I was there once…  But for this season of life, I just can’t get enough of summer’s blessed heat and all the good things it brings!



