Sunny Days

Sunny days are forā€¦

Fieldtrips with favorite studentsā€¦


and for finding wild flowers.


And the long evenings while the sun slowly sinks are for seeing whatā€™s blooming in my own yardā€¦

Mostly Dandy Lions!


But bluebells too.


And it wouldnā€™t be spring without the dainty salmonberry blossoms dancing in mid-airā€¦P1100754

Or the cheery face of first Calendula!


I love a sunny spring day!


ā€œThe flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtledove [or in our course the bullfrog!] is heard in our land.ā€ Song of Songs 2:12

Starting with Seedsā€¦


Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earthā€¦ā€ Gen.1:29

P1100616 [Maple tree in bloom]

And thatā€™s how this cherry tree came to be all on its own in my flower garden (and former compost pile!):


Then there is horsetail with its spores and incorrigible rhizomes ever spreading and sproutingā€¦ But this is an exotic specimen, donā€™t you think?!


Speaking of seedsā€¦ itā€™s that time again (even a little late?!), to get the tomato seeds planted, but first for the pots.Ā  I discovered this super simple, no frills, no saving/storing/cleaning pots method:

Got Newspaper?


Choose the size and shape of your pot from any old jar or can.Ā  I chose a cute square jar this year. I love it that it never rolls away while Iā€™m working with it!

Now roll it up in a lengthwise sheet of paper folded in on the long edges to fit your jar,Ā  with an inch or two to spare at the bottomā€¦


Secure it with tape.

Upend your jar/can and fold in the bottom endsā€¦


And Voila!


Your very own pot for starting seeds!

Huddle your clever pots in a waterproof container. Add potting soil and seeds.Ā  Label with permanent marker and water liberally from the bottomā€¦And one day there will be seedlings ready for transplanting out of these compostable pots. Works like a charm. No pots to clean. No muss, and just a little fun fuss.

Meanwhile, I love the plants that just pop up and bloom unannounced when their time to shine comesā€”among the first to brave the chill of springā€”forget-me-nots and yellow alyssum.


And thatā€™s whatā€™s happening at my house!


Winterā€™s grip is not forever

Arrived home yesterday on a red-eye flight from Alaskaā€¦

Winter still claims the landscape there.



Glaciers preside as though eternalā€¦


Snow still threatens motorists in disregard for the turn of the calendar page to Aprilā€¦


And the primary  indication of spring is the fast lengthening days and the rise of temperatures from REALLY cold to just cold!


Yes, there is glory in a winterā€™s landscape but all creation longs for spring to break  winterā€™s grip.



Deep in this wintery world, up a lonely pipeline access roadā€¦P1100492

down a snowy drive, nestled in neatly pruned evergreensP1100490crop


resides a lonely wife and mother waiting for Spring, the breaking of Winterā€™s gripā€¦


We kids went to ease the loneliness for a moment, to share the waitingā€¦


Returning ā€˜homeā€™ to the green of a fresh-born spring I was reminded again of how the cycling seasons pattern for us a hope that the dark seasons of life are not forever.  Spring does come. And it is all the more glorious for the long waiting!


The willow outside our window has traded her drab dress for a garment of praise, a lovely thing that soothes snow-blinded eyesā€¦


Our King is on the moveā€¦His Kingdom is eternal.


ā€œā€¦weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.ā€ Ps.30:5