Warm Fuzzies to You


I have a little pussy
Her coat is silver gray.
She lives down in the meadow
And she never runs away.
She’ll always be a pussy,
She’ll never be a cat.
Because she’s a pussy willow,
Now what do you think of that!


Well actually, this ‘pussy’ lives in a friend’s garden and I was lucky to happen by  today and find it creeping out for a peek at the weather.  Pussy willows are such delightful things.
I’ve had a little branch of them on my desk all year and every so often they appear in a sketch.  The latest, my journal cover.


No new subject matter around here otherwise.  It will be good to see what Spring will bring.  Everything seems rather ‘same old’ lately when I go out walking… I guess that’s the wonder of Spring.  Life springs up and everything seems new.
In the meantime, His mercies are new every morning.  Great is His faithfulness to the likes of me!

Back at the Dock…

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Jim and I  closed out our sun-filled weekend yesterday with a late-afternoon drive out to Lund–where the highway ends at the sea.  Here lies the gateway to Desolation Sound,  a yachter’s paradise,  just beyond our doorstep… It’s just a dozen miles down the road from us but we haven’t been back much since we sold our boat a couple years go.   We  strolled around catching up on what boats are in,  checking out the new gas dock, and just having a happy  photo shoot as the day came to a close…
Yes, this is us… I only wish the photo of the sunflower starfish had come out to show you.   There were several great big orange ones. But you’ll have to sample a ‘google’ image this time…
Now that we are without our robust sailboat, we are kept from our favorite retreat–the Ragged Islands just on the horizon.  So close and yet, without a sea-going boat, so far.  We have such happy memories of hanging out on sunny afternooons there.  We even put on an Easter egg hunt one Spring for our kids on one of the miniature islands there.  We christened it Easter Egg Island afterward, when we failed to find all the eggs we had hidden.  I wonder if anyone else ever found our treasure?
Of course the crowning moment of our photo shoot was the sun’s quick descent behind the mountains of Vancouver Island on the horizon.  There it was one moment, and gone the next.  And oh! we suddenly felt chilled to the bone and retreated to our car and home for a Hot Mocha…
“From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised…”

Nature’s Treasures

You’ve heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another’s treasure”?
I guess you could say I collect trash then, nature’s trash. But I couldn’t resist the latest addition. I was feeling rather gloomy but forced myself outside for a walk around the block one damp overcast day last week… and what should I find but a VALENTINE! deposited by the crows I suppose, just some wayside debris, but to me a treasure that spoke from God’s heart to mine…

I’ve included some photos of the rest of my desktop nature ‘collection’– trash or treasure? IMG_0358
[Note: If you’re having a hard time seeing the details, you should be able to click on any picture to view a larger format of it.]

Photo Credits: The exquisite valentine chestnut photo is by Jim!