Winter’s grip is not forever

Arrived home yesterday on a red-eye flight from Alaska…

Winter still claims the landscape there.



Glaciers preside as though eternal…


Snow still threatens motorists in disregard for the turn of the calendar page to April…


And the primary  indication of spring is the fast lengthening days and the rise of temperatures from REALLY cold to just cold!


Yes, there is glory in a winter’s landscape but all creation longs for spring to break  winter’s grip.



Deep in this wintery world, up a lonely pipeline access road…P1100492

down a snowy drive, nestled in neatly pruned evergreensP1100490crop


resides a lonely wife and mother waiting for Spring, the breaking of Winter’s grip…


We kids went to ease the loneliness for a moment, to share the waiting…


Returning ‘home’ to the green of a fresh-born spring I was reminded again of how the cycling seasons pattern for us a hope that the dark seasons of life are not forever.  Spring does come. And it is all the more glorious for the long waiting!


The willow outside our window has traded her drab dress for a garment of praise, a lovely thing that soothes snow-blinded eyes…


Our King is on the move…His Kingdom is eternal.


“…weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Ps.30:5

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