Beauty coming and going…

The prairies are beautiful at this time of year…IMG_20150724_142629829

IMG_20150724_154220243Cycling to AirdrieIMG_20150728_173154875_HDR

As are the little people who live there…






As are the mountain vistas we pass coming and going…






It isn’t very nice to have family so far away from us,


but it does give us the excuse to traverse some beautiful landscapes.


And now safely home once again, we are grateful for travelling mercies, P1180089

for work accomplished  IMG_20150727_155234274_HDRIMG_20150728_123714206_HDR

and for good memories made with family.















































(… a lesson in whistling by Grandad)


By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness, O God of our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas; the one who by his strength established the mountains, being girded with might; … so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs. You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy. Ps.65:5-6,8 ESV

On the go…

I’m posting on the go this week—returning ‘home’ from a trip to celebrate our firstborn’s firstborn’s 6th birthday.

six now6th birthday six


IMG_20150612_203526992_HDR  We’re thankful for safe and scenic travels…



We did a little sight-seeing coming and going, stopping at places we would normally just drive on by, including the site of Canada’s first national park, in Banff–


Thermal hot springs have created exotic algae beds in the stream’s current……



(OK, sorry it looks like sludge here. In real life it’s fascinating to watch as is waves in the current)

And of course the Rocky Mountain backdrop is always spectacular…


We got in some cycling time too, as we’re ramping up for a tandem rally…

The prairies have more hills than meets the eye.  And more wind!


IMG_20150616_164732380 Thirty-five mile an hour gusty cross-winds were a memorable first!


There’s so much sky here… and sunsets and clouds.  What  awesome declarations of God’s glory!

The whole earth is His studio.


P.S. And I need to add these impromptu shots, created by chance with the ladder brought in to do some picture hanging.  And picture-perfect!



Forth and Back!

We have been back and forth and forth and back since last posting…First we shot out to Calgary to share Easter celebrations with the young ‘uns…



In the meantime there had been an offer on the house and we were waiting to see what would come of it…and then, it happened.  Conditions were met and the house was sold! Time to shoot back to the coast to box up all our worldly goods….IMG_20150408_160459315P4010380IMG_20150408_162245253_HDR

That was yesterday’s trip… from 5 in the morning to nearly midnight… (We won’t miss these ferries for a long time to come!)  And now we are here putting 12 years of life in boxes…

Thanks for joining us for the ride!



All the way my Saviour leads me… what have I to ask beside?