Even Solomon in all his gloryā€¦

The wedding was beautiful. My niece was lovely. Her bridesmaids were radiantā€¦


Then everyone went home and I was left with time to browse through the rose garden at Colonial Park with my auntā€¦



ā€¦…and the next day to wander alone down the historic Delaware/Raritan Canal tow path in the land of my childhood.


It was splendid!P1210064

P1210070Ginormous snapping turtles lounged on logs all along the way defying my efforts to capture their likenessā€¦Lush growth of poison ivy kept me from getting too closeā€¦.

P1210042P1210027All the while the heady sweet scent of honeysuckle accompanied me.


When I reached Bound Brook I found the grand building that was once my grade school,P1210087

and the old library where I sat in the Childrenā€™s Department one Saturday forty-some years ago and learned to crochet!Ā  P1210093

For lunch I found an old sub shop on Main Street, thatā€™s been there forever, and got myself an authentic Italian SubIMG_20160615_142508706 before having a quiet meander through the ancient cemetery beside the libraryā€¦P1210091ā€¦reading old gravestones with their stately fonts and quaint orthographyā€¦

ā€The Church We Say hath Suffurd IMG_20160615_150413856
Dere Frind By your Deceace.
The Crown is Won theres no more ā€¦
For you But Endless Peace.
As you are now So once was Iā€¦
Helth and Strenth though here [I lie]…
and as I am now So you must Be.
Prepare for Death and Follow me.ā€


ā€œHere lies what is mortal of James Harris who died Aug.1,1813 in the 59 year of his age.
Confined by death to shade of night,
He lies concealā€™d from mortal sight.
Till Jesus from the lofty skies,
Shall bid his slumbā€™ring dust arise

ā€œTo the memory of John Runyon son of Peter and Phebe Runyon who died Sept.11th 1822 aged 6 years and 2 months.Ā  His fond parents has erected this humble monument.ā€

Earlier in the week I walked with my mom through the graveyard where my own kin and those of my friends are buriedā€”all these saints who have gone before us to what is truly glory.Grandparents Gravestones It sits beside the old church building we called ā€˜The Assembly Hallā€™ where I prayed at the altar to ask Jesus to be my Saviour when I was just 10 or soā€¦P1200783

Lindy Lake lies just beyond. P1200935 Here I skated in winter and counted goslings in summer, had school picnics, picked strawberries and passed by endlessly walking home fromĀ  school or just taking a lovely walkā€¦But alas, not a decentIMG_20160613_202338188 picture have I.Ā  Itā€™s best in the mindā€™s eye I suppose.

Wellā€¦ it was a wonderful and nostalgic trip ā€˜homeā€™ to Zarephath, NJ, the perfect occasion to see cousins I havenā€™t seen in a dozen yearsā€”seems to take a wedding (or a funeral) to gather us from hither and yon! I will spare you all the pictures of kith and kin, except for these threeā€¦

of siblings (and Mom!),



Weaver Cousins

and of my favorite sister!!


I end on this curious noteā€”I love this little vent sitting quietly and unnoticed over the decades looking like a mushroom.Ā  I wonder if anyone has thought to take a picture of it before nowā€¦IMG_20160612_133129773

ā€˜Tis all for now–



A Little of this and a little of thatā€¦

I Have been wondering where the sweet scent in the air lately is coming fromā€”couldnā€™t see any flowering bushes, just a lot of silvery leaves, but then I took a closer look.Ā  They may be tiny but there are profusions of tiny yellow bells dangling under the leaves and they give off a strong musky, sweet scent.

IMG_20160602_115738886Itā€™s called a ā€œWolf Willowā€, and produces a mealy berry, thus the alternate name, ā€˜Silver Berryā€™.Ā  Apparently it produces beautiful seeds that have traditionally been used to make necklaces!Ā  Iā€™d better keep an eye on these bushes.Ā  No doubt the bears and elk will be too!

Well since last post weā€™ve done a bit of riding on the tandemā€”climbed Mount Norquay in Banff in hopes of a fast descent, only to be foiled by a strong headwind.Ā  Ski runs always look strange without the snowā€¦IMG_20160602_134246052_HDR

And we had a bit of company this week and did a bit of hikingā€¦IMG_20160604_171240397_HDRIMG_20160604_171453145_HDRIMG_20160604_171457102_HDR

We got to see an owlā€™s nest with its bumbling fluffy young hopping about on a cliff face.Ā  But the pictures left everything to the imaginationā€¦ so it was fun to find a close-up nest along the trail down, even if these arenā€™t owls!IMG_20160604_175515654

Weā€™ve done a lot of settling into our own nest this past weekā€”the best part is getting to unpack the kiddie books and toys for the grandkidsā€¦ and cluttering the fridge with memories of when ours were youngā€¦


I couldnā€™t get through spring without a few plants, IMG_20160605_140518835

so now there are flowers at the door P1200717and a fig tree on the mantle..

IMG_20160605_140542381.Ā  ahhhā€¦thatā€™s better!

And weā€™ve had spectacularly warm weather, my favorite kind–IMG_20160606_160823378 though they say it wonā€™t lastā€¦


And Iā€™ve found a play/work space and have been dabbling in color.IMG_20160605_143016721

God does this too–rainbow out the window

And thatā€™s the latest from our nest. P1200716




Whatever your task, work heartily, as serving the Lord and not menā€¦ Col.3:23

Where We Liveā€¦

A bit of history and a lot of scenery is what weā€™ve got hereā€¦

We live in what was once coal-mining territory, but one could hardly guess it.Ā  Apart from some black shiny rocks that still appear on the surface and some mysterious fenced off areas that protect us from plummeting to our deaths down some ventilation hole to mine shafts miles belowā€¦(Well, I think thatā€™s what theyā€™re for anyway!)Ā  Apart from these this area has been reclaimed very nicely for tourism and golf courses (where building is prohibited because of mine shafts below!) and great swaths of scenery ( :

These photos are from the paved bike trail that connects our home to Jimā€™s job in town.Ā  He gets to pedal along here every morning.Ā  I join him on the very odd occasion for lunch in town, thus the picturesā€¦


These are the Three Sisters peaks which stand behind our homeā€¦


And here is a wee bit of modern historyā€¦



I was just wondering aloud this week where the town got its name, as we will definitely be canning less, not more, here as we no longer have fruit trees or a gardenā€¦ Hereā€™s the scoop.




Tis all for today.Ā  No hikes this week.


Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. Ps.145:3 ESV