He has arrived!!!

The timing was perfect. I’d booked my flight before the announcement came, but just just two days after baby arrived so did my flight!

Then happy surprise–at the ferry dock, for the sailing across to Powell River, the brand-new Salish Orca pulled up for her maiden passenger voyage!  I couldn’t have timed that better.  And so a once-mundane crossing became a time of exploration and picture-taking to capture all the newness…

But the real bit of eagerness and wonder lay just ahead… my daughter’s first baby–a strapping 8 1/2 + pound boy with a toddler’s head-full of dark hair,
just waiting to be whisked home from the hospital ( ;

And oh how captivating…

What an expressive little tot at just over a week old!

For eight days I got to hang around watching JAXON take in his new world,

and finding great delight myself in the world all a-bloom there…




It was SO good to be back ‘home’–for visits and walks with friends and quiet sits in the sun by the sea…


The crossing back to the airport was a melancholy one as I sat watching the shoreline diminish… where now three daughters and one precious grandbaby reside…

But the Lord worked it out that there would be friends on the other side too who would host me for the afternoon and see me off at day’s end…

And I needn’t even have dreaded my return to the bleak-slow-to-waken-after-winter prairies.  For in my absence spring had come here too!


We serve a glorious King who lavishes us all our days with grace upon grace!



God has made everything beautiful in its time!

 Eccl. 3:11 ESV




I Must go down to the sea…

But first the bluffs…IMG_20141109_145053559_HDR

where a last flower blooms before frost comes…

IMG_20141109_152346171_HDR and berries are ramping up for Christmas…


Then on down the trail,  to the ocean…



…where we sit a while, my mate and I,

IMG_20141109_160935046IMG_20141109_161006581_HDRWe haven’t been in a while, but what better place to sit a bit on a Sunday’s afternoon,

as the sun falls from the sky to the sound of wind-whipped surf..





God’s works are awesome.


O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. 25 Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great. Ps.104:24,25

Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul. Ps.103:22