The gobble-gobble of wild turkeys woke us to a brilliant rain-washed day–our chance to explore this grand (with a small ‘g’ canyon) The Palo Duro is the 2nd largest canyon in the U.S. Seems strange to think it’s been sitting here in all it’s glory for so long without our having heard of it till now. Its awesome vistas defied my ability to capture them in 4X6 dimensions… But I couldn’t help trying.
And of course I found a trail I just had to try. It just doesn’t seem like you’ve really experienced a place until you’ve planted your feet on it and gotten a closer look. I opted for the downhill version of the hike and Jim offered to drive down and meet me. Sarah, to run on ahead. Perfect. Alone with birdsong I dawdled down into the canyon along the old CCC trail (Civilian Conservation Corps) snapping photos as I went.
Splendid way to spend a morning! I just love a new trail…don’t fence me in! ( ;