Unexpected Joys

Life is full of unexpected joys when I slow to notice.

How many times have I looked out our front window to see this grand old house—a patriarch of our neighborhood only just changing hands for the first time now that its family has grown up and old and moved on to the old folks’ home…

There’s something permanent and friendly about its demeanor with the old apple trees all ‘round in bloom…an unexpected joy.


…as is living in this, ‘our town’ beside the sea…Nothing earth shaking happens here.  We’re a sleepy place, I suppose, but it is an unexpected joy to look down and see spring coming to our town and know that this is home, for now…


The wild strawberries are in bloom again…masterpieces that yield a quiet joy when one stoops to see their simple faces…


Mother’s Day has come ‘round again to remind me of this unexpected joy of being a mother to a brood that rises up to bless my heart –and fill my mouth with good things they’ve in turn created…


And then there is the sea so close at hand…the meandering ride along the seawalk on Mother’s Day for the joy of a shared afternoon, the dipping of the feet in the ocean for the first time of the season—shiver—in anticipation of warmer days to come… and nearly treading on this disguised anemone…


And while we lean down to study the  kelp underfoot, an eagle cries from his perch in the sky…


Days later in the garden, I look up spade in hand, from digging earth to bury potatoes and spy my raving beauty of a rhododendron putting on a show in her shady knoll where yard meets woods…I hadn’t seen it coming.  Unexpected joy!


And today, climbing reluctant from warm covers to meet a new and unknown day,  I peer through my sheer drapes to see Miss Crabapple in her best dress, with primly crossed ankles, morning sun brightening her blush… Just when all the other blossoms begin to fade she is at her brightest.  Unexpected joy.  This too a gift to us…


How good to be ‘the sheep of His pasture, the flock under His care.’ Ps.95:7NIV— An Unexpected Joy


Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.

In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is His also.

The sea is His, and he made it: and His hands formed the dry land.

O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Ps.95:2-7

Stop and see…

We are blessed to live in such a place… was out walking (and praying) with a  few gals on the weekend marveling that living here is like living in a National Park, only without the signs and the tourists!  Any day of the year you can tromp off into the ‘bush’ with no admission fee, and wend your way down endless trails through cedar, hemlock and fir forests glowing chartreuse green with moss on all sides.P1060354darker

But walking isn’t everybody’s favorite pastime… some prefer pedaling.  And for this we have a tandem so we can share the experience and the work load ( ;  Had a happy easy ride for a change on an antique tandem given to us recently by a friend .  We’re good on this one as long as there are no hills!  (It has no functional gears)  Great for the seaside…

P1060368P1060366P1060365 (and no seaside tour is complete without a stroll on the dock and a pic of a stalwart tugboat…)


The nice thing about an easy ride is you get to stop and see the flowers…






Every week should have some easy pedaling—time to stop and behold the moment…


“…Stop and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37:14


Dripping Dry

Whew!  Had to get away from staring at words on a screen and thinking, thinking, thinking and take a stroll around the ‘loop’…up the street, and around through the forest, back out at the ‘green field’ and down the hill home after dropping into a friendly neighbor’s house—home to these bright faces:


Lots of eager shoots and blooms dripping dry after a lot of rain earlier in the afternoon.  new growthP1060313


A fern unfurling in a field fairly bursting with growth…

fern unfurling

The wild cherry blossoms are none the worse for the weather…

cherry blossoms

and look as if they were wedding attendants dressed in their fairest spring frocks—



P1060308 Their petals have been scattered like confetti.  Spring is celebration time!


This old stump along the way is one season closer to be overtaken by the growth it nourishes…


forget me not

And not to be forgotten, these bright blue miniatures are blooming in a roadside ditch…
The rains are gone.  Spring is bursting out all over! 

Behold, He makes all things new…


“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come and the voice of [ a thousand bull frogs!] is heard in our land.” Song of Solomon 2:12