Getting ready

We got a foreshadowing of winter this week, with mostly freezing temperatures and a thin blanket of snow that has only today melted completely.  So the snow tires are now on the van.  And our tandem rides are numbered, if not done for the season.

Even with thick lobster gloves (two fingers and a thumb) and all sorts of extra layers it’s still cold for riding!



The grass peeking through looks like day-old stubble— It’s time to shave!


These grasses look so much more graceful with a snowy backdrop…

And every last bit of color shines!


The larch trees are stunning!



And I love this  fiery  little aspen:


and the color-coordinated lichen!


But alas the tall trio of aspens I’ve been watching out the window are stark naked now:


And yet, beautiful.


We celebrated a quiet thanksgiving this week and are grateful for our cozy home– among multitudinous other greater blessings—God’s nearness, God’s forgiveness, and the hope that knowing Him brings to every day no matter the season!

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And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat…. Acts 27:35 KJV


Oh Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!  I Chr. 16:34

Ready for spring?

The quiet of snow…IMG_20160220_122640123P1190874

of gliding across landscapes chockfull of it…Ski 1P1190852P1190875

is coming to an end. IMG_20160227_135552110_HDR

The mountains are full up with an eight foot base of snow,IMG_20160302_141629755


but spring is coming…P1190894

Snowy stillness is giving way to the sound of water rushing, gurgling, dripping as it dissolves winter’s icy grip.


Birds sing again.  First robins.  Chickadees too. The ravens are no longer alone.

The quiet glory of snow has given way to the silent wonder of swelling buds P1190887

with their reminder that winter’s stark glory will soon be surpassed.

I am watching and waiting…P1190900

And I am quite lichen the green of it! ( :


How about you?

–LS  Spring Sprung

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Rev.21:5

“We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed…” I Cor.15:51,52

Pussywillow grace and peac






Leaving Tracks…

Skiing and doodling are two new things I’m applying myself to in this season of my life, just because they are at hand and I have the time.  And because I need to overcome the associated fears.  Of falling.  Of breaking. Of embarrassing myself.  Of failing…

At face value they may not look like much.  And if you’ve been looking at pictures here this winter you’ve already seen enough snow!P1190826

But in the practicing there have been lessons.  Valuable ones, that go beyond the actual skill that grows with each effort.Num.15

How to fall.  How to get up.  How to bid shaking knees be strong and stride on…P1190843

I’ve learned that a drawing starts with one tentative line.  Mistakes can be redeemed, lines re-routed, or bad starts entirely scrapped with no earth-shattering consequence.IMG_20160113_194524672

Ability is relative.  Doubting whether I can succeed is no reason not to try.
Committing to try, today, and tomorrow and the next day… is the first step to succeeding, or failing.  Which will it be?  Who’s to say?  At least I can show up and see what happens.  There will be surprises either way!


I have learned I can laugh at myself.  I can go “poof” into a snow drift at a sharp curve in a slick downhill trail and roll over and get up and try it again.  You will never see those pictures.  I need not keep a record of the times I fail…


I can tackle a drawing that looks so beyond me I wonder why I’m trying, and well, it may be, the first time.  But there’s a glimmer of something good and practice may yet render a pleasing effect.  I’ll never know if I don’t try.ODP3

Fear dies hard.  Balance takes time to achieve.  Training muscles and fingers and reflexes and undoing lifelong thought patterns takes time… and continuance…


These things I’m learning as I show up at the snowy trail and the snow-white page
and commence to leave tracks.







“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them…” Eph.2:10