Of Trackless Slopes…

There’s something tantalizing about the squeaky s-c-runch of dry new fallen snow.  I set out with extra bundling –two pairs of socks, two pairs of pants, two wool sweaters, gloves and wool mittens–for a quick walk this afternoon.  The weather has snapped cold on us with a bracing rosy-cheek sort of  tang we’re not used to here.  It would have been an ordinary walk up through a wooded trail and around the loop and home except for…


Winter’s glory!  Entering the woods with the branches topped deliciously with dollops of snow I had to slow my pace and stop for this picture and that one, and then another…


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Glorious day!  The sky had turned blue and the winterscape brilliant.  My walk became a series of steps and stops to look again and click the shutter.  This was wonderful enough. But then the trail turned to skirt the foot of Scout Mountain.


And I saw the trackless slope upward…. meaning I could be the first up the mountain in the snow.  You have to understand how this hike is transformed in the snow.  There are no longer jutting rocks, or mossy ledges,  only snow-capped trees and underbrush and  gently mounding snow obliterating the trail and inviting my footprints.   I love snow days on Scout.  How could I resist this alluring detour?  I thought, maybe I’ll just go up part way and then circle back down…There’ll be time for that… And without further thought we set our sights on the climb.  Good old Louie took the lead.  Dogs are so amazing.  They don’t need to see the trail, they seem to have it memorized. Or perhaps they smell it? and off they go.  Huffing and puffing behind I had occasion to think what a sweet thing it is to have a Shepherd through life…when storms come and cover familiar trails, the Shepherd knows the way still and leads us forward… He goes ahead, alert for danger, forever with us and looking out for us.


The hike did not disappoint.  Sub-freezing temp’s couldn’t begin to touch the heat generated in the climb.  The brilliant blue of sky, the sparkling white of snow, the silhouettes of branches trimmed in white…kept luring the camera from my pocket and slowing my steps… IMG_7146IMG_7157IMG_7154IMG_7150

…Until at some point I realized the sky’s blue had faded and the sun was glowing peach and gold.

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And what goes up must come down.  Picture-taking took a back pocket to just getting to the top!  And mental calculations, judging from the spot at which the sun hung above the horizon, suggested the direct descent down the face of Scout would be the most timely option for getting home,


scary or not… here we come.  No pictures of this part.  The slipping, scooting, sliding, hollering at Louie to ‘wait up!’, slithering, shuffling, sitting! (oops) and finally the destination—the great green field, now a great white sheet.  And the shepherd, having led the way, now had abandoned his charge in his own urgency to make haste home to his dinner and bed!  Well, he hadn’t quite abandoned.  His retreating figure caught my eye in time to hail him down and insist he accompany me home on his tether… By now the fiery glow of sun was spent, leaving just a haze of pink backlighting the wintry world.


My cheeks felt the glow instead in the bite of wintry wind.  And I was as eager as my dog to hurry home over the squeaking crunch of cast-off snow.



There are signs that the cycle of seasons has not gotten lost in a fog but is on its way. I found this little wonder near my herb garden bed poking through the half frozen topsoil in all its glory.
IMG_0487 Thanks Nola!

My snowdrops are celebrating the lengthening days too!
The sun lured me out today to hike up Scout. It was a bit of a trick because it was quite cold and windy despite the sun’s brilliant invitation.
Along the way I spied the year’s first dandelion! It grows here predictably each Spring, the first of its kind, in the protection of the roadside drainage ditch. Not a glamorous spot or a particularly glamorous sight but a bright spot nonetheless. Blooming where it’s planted.
There’s not much new along this familiar trail today, but change is just around the corner! The buds are swelling lending a reddish cast to the alders’ branches. The sun is still bright in this wood, for now. This will soon be a very shady path. I’ve taken this photo in hopes of following spring’s progress here with my camera…
On the final ascent to the top of our little ‘Scout’ I found winter still hanging on. No wonder I was so cold!– it’s freezing up here still. Will these be the season’s last icicles?
Today wasn’t one for long meditations on the mountain… too shivery. Rather than retrace my steps I went down the other side of the mountain. Coming down a small ravine I was delighted with this contrast– a wall of dancing ferns above and beside me.
They had caught the afternoon sun and put it to good use.
Hard and cold as ice or dancing in carefree abandon– I guess it’s all a matter of where you stand in relation to the Sun.
If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with each other and the blood of Jesus washes us clean from all our sin…
“God is light, pure light. There’s not a trace of darkness in Him.”
I John 1:5 The Message
Wishing you the joy of His presence in your days…

Seeing beyond the Fog…

The season for fog is upon us. Dense, cold, wet, unshakable FOG.
It can put a damper on your very soul, unless somehow you can rise above it.
Jim invited me for an outing today, to go see if our little Scout Mountain was above it all.
I’m so glad I went. It saved my afternoon from sinking into an abyss of gloomy reflections.
Here’s what we found!

All this fabulous footage is by Jim.
He took it in with his new camera, Louie with his nose, and I with my pen…
Once again we are given this living parable, that despite the fog that dims our view some days, God is still on the throne, His sun still shining. Though we may not see Him or feel Him near He is there, just beyond the fog…

“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.
Psalm 45:6