It’s Raining…


And I certainly couldn’t imagine anything photo worthy today…

But I donned my gumboots and tromped out for a look… gradually calming to the cadence of a gentle rain as I stood and watched raindrops form…

P1090581P1090588house in a drop

on the year’s new buds,

P1090585buds swell

and catkins…


And is it my imagination, or do these branches not look rather festive?


The orange peel fungus caught my eye, apparently undaunted by the rain, if not altogether edible!


The ivy is in its element too, quietly taking over our little piece of woodland, one silent creeping tendril at a time


And then I circled round to our winter ‘pond’, the end result of all this rain.

P1090609Is there any beauty here?


I didn’t think so but… as I stood in the rain watching the raindrops endlessly forming perfect concentric circles, with just the softest little pitter…I saw a certain beauty even in our big winter ‘puddle’.


P1090619DripSplish-splashes…P1090621bubbleand Bubbles!

A quiet rainy morning has a beauty all its own…


Even the firs are decked out in a hundred crystal baubles!


“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Eccl.3:11

It’s been ‘berry’ rainy…

I seem to have stayed put this week… the weather has been suitable for deskwork.  Probably a good thing;  when would I ever get down to thinking about school prep otherwise?  But one damp overcast morning I got out for a little hike first thing while the raindrops were still on the salal along the climb…


A bumper crop of huckleberries called from the roadside.  It’s been a terrific berry year, first our own strawberries, then salmonberries and now  huckleberries and thimbleberries (though I have yet to venture across the highway and see if the bears have left me some of those.)


And I suppose the lichen is happy with all the wet…it’s even fashioned goblets for the occasion…


Oh, and of course, the slugs are happy as…well, happy as such slimy garden-gobbling creatures can be!

banana slug

And that’s about the extent of my ramblings this week.  If you’re having really hot weather and wishing it away, think of us and try to enjoy that warmth that hasn’t even a hint of coolness in it… We would be glad to trade our sea breezes and rain for a good hot summer if you’ve any to spare!