A tromp out back…


Went for a tromp out back this week, just to see if there were any signs of spring besides MUD!!!


I found the daintiest little emergings of huckleberry green and pinkery….


Instead of a host of daffodils I found these bear delicacies…

Skunk Cabbage in all its odoriferous splendour!




This old giant has had a hard life. R.I.P.


This lovely ‘stream’ forms the boundary line of our property and is actually a drainage ditch for all the run-off we’ve been having.  It’s nicely glorified by wild ferns and foliage…


And here’s a brave little  blossom about to lift her head and announce “Fresh Salmonberries on the way!”


Meanwhile an adolescent cedar comes to his end in our front yard midst bright trails of confetti, his growth spurt ended before he could reach the power lines and cause untold trouble.  He marks for us our history in this house…


And that is the latest in our ‘neck of the woods’…in this season marked by death and resurrection.

Blessings on your celebrations!


Walkin’ in the Rain

There have got to be some perks for going walking in the rain…


… and so there are ( :

Fungus looks especially lovely on a dim wet day…


…as does this old giant draped in green…


But home again, home again, is my favorite place to be… and look who came to visit so she could be featured here in her snazzy polka-dot ‘get up’!

A small speckled visitor
Wearing a crimson cape.
Brighter than a cherry
Smaller than a grape.

A polka-dotted someone
Walking on my wall.
A black-hooded lady
In a scarlet shawl.
© Joan Walsh Anglund

What an incredible bit of workmanship, don’t you think?!
Wishing you little bright spots for your week too!


God’s Breath…

From whose womb has come the ice? And the frost of heaven, who has given it birth? Job 38:29
We woke to a frosty morning—the start of the advent season…

“By the breath of God frost is given…” Job 37:10
frosted rubekia

It is a season where life submits to death, and bows its head so that life may be born from it…
Then into the darkness and the cold of death God breathes and all is made new..
gold 2
Blessings on your advent celebrations!
“The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” (Job 33:4)