Johnston Canyon in January

Every season has its beauty.  A canyon in summer is quite another thing than those same rock walls and water in a deep freeze. 


Now we come well-bundled and walk gingerly wearing ice grippers, very glad of the fresh snow to give traction to the icy pavement underneath. (pictured: Jim and his sister)



Frozen waterfalls inspire different responses in different folks; I am content with snapping pictures.


Others must climb them!




 But though a weekend outing is lovely, my best days are home-body days.

With winter’s progress the sun’s ascent has shifted so that the light slants in through one little window for just a bit in the morning. I time taking out the garbage to catch its rays while it crosses the dip in the mountains that otherwise block its radiance…  

And I find that there is nothing quite so exquisite in winter as sunshine on the eyelids–it is balm to the soul!


Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun. Eccl.11:7 ESV