Spring comes Marching…

kitchen window

We’re HOME again from visiting much family, and just in time! Home to wind and weather, even a smattering of snow—wild, wild winds that keep the ferries huddled in their terminals, and make roadside trees come crashing down, and power fail…. Days like these I’m glad for a wood stove…which can not only heat the house but can provide hot tea to go with a cold toast-less breakfast…


The willow still hasn’t any flaxen loveliness to her tresses.  She more resembles an old hag tossing about in the wind, making work for the picker-up-of-branches in our yard, again.

But at least the torrential rain took a break long enough for a short walk through a much-trod trail and back around home…


The dead give-away that spring is surely afoot is the upsurge of crocuses in all their brilliance!


And though I don’t know the name of this antique-looking bloom, it captured my eye and would surely make a splendid watercolor painting someday when I’m holed up in the house watching the rain fall…


Spring is on the march—watch for it!


Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase…Lev.26:4