Hoodoo Land!

Like a fantastic sculpture garden Bryce Canyon displays God’s handiwork like no other place on earth.
You have to see it in person to begin to take it in.ย  And better yet, take a trail down into the canyon, to the floor from which these massive columns rise.
Though most of our walk was warm and the trail bone dry,ย  this slot canyon scarcely sees the sun so the going was thick with clinging clay mud alternating with muddy sheets of ice…
Do you see the two natural bridges?
And now we’re back up to the top…
This is definitely not the sort of territory you’d want to be exploring in the dark.ย  The edges of the rim trail are just a slip away from disaster…
We wrapped up our visit to Bryce Canyon with a picnic lunch before hitting the road forย  our long drive north.ย ย  It is with reluctance we leave these sunny climes…but there are miles to go before we sleep (hoping to log 8-10 hours yet today)…
Farewell to Hoodoo Land…