Come sit a while…

It is a season for sitting and watching. The bustle of summer is history. My work of harvesting and preserving is done…Cycling is winding down with cool and rain more days than not.  And my body needs a break evidently.  This week sciatic pain reduced me to a poky hobble and the sun shone one morning so invitingly…I thought I may as well just sit a while and feel it’s precious warmth on my face…


…and watch this hungry acrobat glean the last of the sunflower seeds.P1160380P1160374




jay with seed

I would have missed his visit had I not taken time to sit a while and be still….


The ground beneath my feet is littered now with the first of the willow’s leaves


Above my head her gangly-arms stretch waiting to drop their load for raking and raking and raking…


But for now, I’ll just sit a while and treasure the opportunity to rest.P1160401


Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

The Produce Parade

Today the sun slept in.

Summer’s on its way out at last. But OH! what a gloriously warm one it has been.  We have never seen so much sun for so many weeks on end in our ten+ year history here.  So I can’t begrudge the bit of spitting rain that hurried me in my garden tasks today.

I dug the last potatoes. They’re not much to look at, but always a marvel to unearth.

I pulled out most of the tomato plants and gathered up the green ones to ripen indoors.

I urged on the happy yellow zucchini that is suddenly proliferating young ones now that the season is all but spent….

And then I came in and took stock of summer’s remains, smiling all the while with the delight that comes of growing things in one’s own garden…




P1160217Most of the apples have been turned into applesauce already—a delicious cinnamon/brown sugar kind that smacks of apple pie.  We enjoy it on Sunday mornings on French Toast and then the leftover bit on Monday mornings in our Cream of Wheat.

But today I discovered  a pale gem of an apple on a little wild sapling that came up a few years back.  We didn’t expect much from it though the deer certainly made much of it this season.  But today I realized there were three apples left for me. And wonder of wonders they were the juiciest, crispest, sweetest apples of any we have grown.  No wonder they were such a hit with Bambi and friends.  We will definitely be paying more attention to that tree!  Any idea what kind of apple that pale one would be?


P1160219 Not far off is the little scruffy hazelnut tree.  I planted it from a little sapling I picked up cheap at our local Seedy Saturday event…It’s had a rough go of it. The bears CRAVE protein at this time of year when they’ve had their fill of berries and apples and are ready for a long nap.  They pillage our little hazelnut predictably.  So I beat them to it this year and picked the nuts while still green.  They’ve ripened now and we shall have nuts for chocolate chip cookies!

P1160223 I grew my own Mr.Lunt (of Veggie Tales fame) this year for the first time.  We ate him shortly after the photo shoot, baked with brown sugar and apple slices. I thought it was yummy, though my opinion was not shared by all. It’s probably a good thing there was no Lunt family in the squash patch this year, just a pair of Lunts.

P1160224 Well, the zucchini tide is ebbing now.  We’ve had a bumper crop to use in cakes and loaves and fritters and fried ‘Italian wonder’ and relish and…we still wonder if it has any nutritive value at all, or is it just great moist filler for everything?  We tried and loved a new recipe this year:  Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread.  Wow!

P1160226And this orange thing…well, it’s hard to say what it actually is.  Unlike pumpkins, it was orange from the start, and such a brilliant orange.  Shall we try eating it or not?


P1160242Tomatoes.  We’ve had them in all sizes on the table every day for weeks now. These tiny marble-sized ones I call “Mini Maries”. They are sweet and tangy at the same time and oh so prolific.  Good thing, because we tend to eat them by the handful.

P1160230Have you grown these?  They’re tomatillos with a twist; these are a purple variety.  Tell me, does this mean I can’t make Salsa Verde with them?



And that’s all for the produce parade today, except to mention the ubiquitous Kale.  It is everywhere in the garden thanks to its incredible ability to reseed itself. (And its knack for surviving the compost pile.)  We mostly ignore it but have been known to try kale chips and the occasional pot of steamed greens, though we prefer swiss chard.



You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.
















Late-Bloomers and Hardy Hangers-on

Under steely gray sky and damp chill of morning stillness…


Nature waits in suspended animation for winter to set in…

The dying down of color is well underway–the laying down to rest…


After weeks of fog… and snappy days of brilliant sun,  the rains are returning.


But in my gum-boot tromp to see if there are yet any surprises,

I find these hardy hangers-on:




In their dying glory, blooming (!)



Resisting frost  to render seed for the next generation…


And in the scraggly blackberry hedge, long devoid of fruit, now haven to tiny tittering birds–


there shines this single blossom, determined to fulfill its design however late in the season.

Yes!  That is my desire too ( :























“The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed…
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently…” Rom.8:19,25

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap,
if we faint not. Gal 6:9

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1Cor. 15:58