The trudge

I was tired of walking—really, trudging is what it had become.

I guess I was just tired…Sunday afternoons are made for resting aren’t they?  The sun had lured me out the door but my energy was flagging…a cold coming on perhaps?

P1140303 So I turned off the beaten track and settled myself on a little rise amongst the barren poplars…overlooking the sea just beyond–

P1140310  And I pulled out my new book of Robert Frost’s poems (on my Kindle, of course)…and I just sat there warmed by sunshine, lulled by a trickle of water close by, and browsed among neatly laid lines of words for awhile, and read—of roses, and hayfields, of woods, and of butterflies, sorrow and love. I’ve always like Frost’s way of putting things.

And I sat silent for awhile, wordless and content to have found a spot to soak in sun.

P1140315 Eventually, treading my way home, I turned aside at the little abandoned quarry—a pocket of water and silence.  Louie used to stop here for a drink on our walks. It’s been a long while.

I was wishing I were home already.  Tired of walking.  Tired of old tired roads.

A little further along I saw a track uphill I had never noticed before.   Who can resist a new trail to an unknown destination?

P1140322Curiosity overcame tired legs and up we went…

P1140323 It was just a short climb to a tabletop of stone with a panoramic view. So that’s how you get here!  I’d always seen this lone fir on its rocky promontory from the highway and wondered…P1140324

Now I know!


Sweet surprise for an afternoon’s trudge.


Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun.” Eccl 11:7 KJV

P.S.  If you enjoy Robert Frost’s poetry, don’t miss his first anthology, A Boy’s Will, available free online at

Waiting for worms…

Well, buds may be swelling and bursting into bloom in the house…



But that’s not quite the picture out-of-doors this week…


We thought we had come back to Home, Green Home.
But then it started snowing…
and went right on snowing for three days!

That’s unheard of here (at least in our short ten-year history) where some years may not see even an hour of snowfall in town.

But it did make for much happy snow play—for snow forts and happy snowmen at the local park


(I was the only bystander…)P1140222

And the woods are, as Frost would say, ‘lovely, dark and deep’…


The huckleberries, not yet in leaf, look like lace filigree…


All trails lead to fairyland…


And the slopes of Scout only lack daring Olympians…


The rather lovely thing about our snowy days is they are just on the edge of freezing and destined not to last, and they are warm enough to enjoy!

So on the final morning of our wintry wonderland (as predicted by the weathermen) I tromped out early to watch the sun rise to its task.P1140256

Its peachy golden warmthP1140259

made the morning irresistible,


so I walked the length of the street luxuriating in the glory of it…P1140273

Who could not love a shapely tree ‘au naturel’, dressed only in fresh-fallen snow?


But this I’d never seen before–a tree bedecked with a host of Turdus migratorius:

P1140267 Surely spring is on the wing.

Here’s living proof:


None other than the common American Robin…

P1140270 Here. Waiting for worms.

I love it!

So I’m glad to wait too..with the brave snowdrops

P1140291snowdropsP1140295 snowdrop

And the whimsical garden bunny P1140300P1130879snowshoeharenot so camouflaged as his wild Albertan counterpart  (who hides beneath our grandkids’ backstep…)

It’s not so bad to be home, waiting for worms.



Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience…

Rom 8:24-25 ESV

A Sunny Afternoon’s Adventure

A trail to hike


A quiet lake…


lost in its own reflections.P1130588

A walk around



A sit above


Upside-down trees below.


A waiting canoe…


A skim-coat of ice beckoning…

P1130617Ice PaddlingP1130623

A feathery ice-scape…








And our man-powered icebreaker …


All made for a great sunny afternoon adventure, together.
