The Balm of Fall


In these parts the balm of Fall is largely past.  The golds have fluttered down. Bare branches reach skyward in hope that winter will not be eternal.  We’ve celebrated our harvests and endured Halloween.  Bike riding is over, the ski season open on select hills… We have only more cold and more snow to await. But I am grateful for the balm that October has been.

Though September had closed with enough snow to put my flowers to rest before the elk could
and to give us a free ski day right out the back door… thanks be to God the snow didn’t last!

And Fall will be remembered instead for peaceful walks in newly discovered locales…


God’s mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.




October Highlights…

October surprised us with a dump of snow early on, catching most of the trees before they had a chance to turn to gold…

But creating a winter wonderland for a few days…

It all vanished just in time for our road trip to catch up with all the grand little people in our lives…


Powell River’s balmy weather extended our fall…

And it was sweet bliss to visit familiar haunts in the company of our girls and their significant others ( :



and of course to catch up with this little guy that has grown up so much in the five months since we saw him last!

All to soon we said our Farewells till next time…

And suddenly October was already half over, and the rest flew by in a series of days trumpeted by glorious sunrises!

but not a lot of picture-perfect moments otherwise.  Nature has taken on a subdued hue in readiness for winter white.  I’m in no rush!


September Recalled…

The archives of 2018 will have a thin spot when it comes to autumn unless I backtrack here and remember that we did indeed have one, though the blaze of color was short-lived.

Here are some of September’s most beautiful moments out and about biking and hiking…

Cascade Falls, Banff

Down by the River, Canmore

Vermilion Lakes, Banff


Mid-September brought the first snow of the season and the visit of elk to my porch to ransack my flowers.


Thankfully I have a growing stash indoors…


The crowning feature of the month was keeping our delightful grandkids for a few days while their parents celebrated ten years of married life…

Oh the fun we had!


And then September was gone…


The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. Ps. 24:1
