Road Trip

Just wanted to share some shots from our latest trip, the ‘before’ and the ‘after’…

So much beauty, by day…



… and by night, so much treachery… The Lexus flies!


Yet the Lord has kept us in life, for His purposes.

We are his people, the sheep of His Hand.  In this we can rest…



The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.  The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. Ps.121:7-8 ESV


P.S. The brief account of our frightening Ice Capades is here.   We have arrived safely home now.  Surprisingly the Lexus survived the dive, battered but driveable.  With some temporary repairs to her differential she carried us the last leg home where she will likely have to be retired.

Celebrating milestones…


Our Firstborn…


and his last born….P1160533


P1160570 both observed milestones this week with the requisite cake and candles, and we were there to celebrate with them!

Together with all the happy in-beweens…



And it was wonderful!  (And noisy, and messy, and tiring, and delightful…)

Playing hide-and-seek, reading Bible stories, telling my own stories, going to the library together and loading up with TOO MANY BOOKS (my doings!), tucking ‘babies’ in bed,  hugging chubbiness, feeling baby softness…and celebrating milestones–all my favorite things about being a Grandma…


Come Ride with Me!

The rains have returned, making the days without it rare and treasured…

for walks beside the sea…IMG_20141101_115100296


and when the roads are dry, for the odd tandem ride.

Care to ride with us?  Experience a virtual tandem ride down our infamous Wildwood Hill here…


Come Ride with Me!

Exhilarating (and just a little scary if the truth be told) from the stokers’ point of view.  But a rare and treasured chance to enjoy the sunshine and crisp fall air.


The light is pleasant, and it is good for the eyes to see the sun. Eccl.11:7


P.S. If you’re reading this on your smart phone and the video doesn’t display, try this link: