Our Wintry World

When in snow country do as the locals do…
Our favorite pastime this month has been cross-country skiing. We are having a lovely respite of above-freezing days which makes it a whole lot less stressful to pause for picture-taking without feeling you will freeze to death and without having your glasses fog up leaving you in a blinding cloud…
This is the local terrain we frequent…





For a change of scene we sometimes head down the road to Banff to have a look around. How different it all looks in winter…





Snow-sculpting and ice-sculpting are popular pastimes here…

Back at home the warmer weather lured me out for a walk, which has become rare for me these days. It was delightful ( :







And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people. Lev.26:12


Leafing through Septemberā€¦


Iā€™ve been collecting a leaf a day all month, to capture the essence of September on paper. Though most of the fall color here is shades of gold, there is plenty of variation when you stoop to see closely!


We had ourselves an easy hike in Banff this week, skirting Tunnel Mountainā€¦


It was just the kind of hike that makes me feel so alive!!

So let me pass a glimmer of what I saw on to you ( :



Our destination was this little group of hoodoosā€¦


which seemed rather lack luster to us, having seen Bryce Canyon in Arizonaā€¦P1220445

But thatā€™s okā€”the process of getting there was a treat (mostly).

A burning bush along the way:


I attended a watercolor workshop earlier that day in Banff.Ā  This mountain was our subject.
A guest First Nations man told tales while we tried to capture the picture on paperā€¦

Drawn Banff

He said thereā€™s power in the mountains and some Indians, including himself,Ā  arenā€™t strong enough to stand living here.Ā  (He lives on the prairies.)Ā  He alluded to a creator that noone really knows much about, except that heā€™s given us all this and thereā€™s no way we can repay him/her.Ā  So they revere the creation and have ceremonies acknowledging their indebtedness.Ā  Meanwhile myths and superstitions have filled the void of not-knowing and many are the stories that are told, attributing god-like power to creatures and denying the Creatorā€¦

And I thought, how sadā€”to recognize the grandeur but miss the identity of the CreatorĀ  ā€˜for his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.ā€™Ā 

And my thought is that if thereā€™s perceptible power in these mountains it is just thisā€”they speak of Godā€™s power and majesty!Ā  They are a constant reminder ofĀ  His nearness to His people.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people
from this time forth and forever
. Ps.125:2 NKJV

Meanwhile back home the skies and the meadows and the golden splashes of autumn continue to inspire praise!


And it occurs to me that perceiving beauty is allĀ  about the way the light shinesā€¦


The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.Ā  He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him.Jn.1:9,10 NLT

But thanks be to God—

For God, who said, ā€œLet light shine out of darkness,ā€ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. II Cor.4:6


I cry to you, O Lord; I say, ā€œYou are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.ā€ Ps.142:5












Over in the meadowā€¦

[Whoops! Please pardon my lapse in posting.Ā  Itā€™s not that I havenā€™t been getting outā€¦]

And in fact I have taken a few pictures. How could I not?!Ā Ā  That crisp glory of fall is upon us,

and with it the first frosting of snow has fallen in the mountains round aboutā€¦


After a stint of wet & cold, the sun came back to play.Ā  I love the way it makes the trees seem to glow!


The weather has been splendiferous!


So we had the kids out for a visit and took them to one of my favorite places, what I call ā€˜the meadowā€™.


It lies on the bike trail between home and townā€”a well-disguised cover-up of the mining operations upon which Canmore was founded.Ā  Here the men came day by day to the lantern house to fetch their lights and descend into the gloomā€¦


Now we stroll along, or more often pedal along, and revel in the beauty of Godā€™s earthā€¦


These mountains are not just lovely they are also full of treasure. The range we see out our window is made almost entirely of Limestoneā€”a boon for the cement industry. Soā€¦ we went for a BBQ andĀ  tour at the Exshaw plant just down the highwayā€¦ Yaā€™ gotta love the centerpieces on all the tables:IMG_20160917_132505624_HDR

These are ā€˜clinkersā€™ā€”the result of baking a crushed combination of rock (mostly limestone) at temperatures a third the heat of the sun!Ā  Now you just take these clinkers, add some gypsum and grind ā€˜em to powder and youā€™ve got cement!

Itā€™s a big operation,


but looks pretty cushy from inside this cabā€¦


Wellā€¦ weā€™re bracing for winter, so we did a little mountain biking at the local Nordic Ski center to familiarize ourselves with the trailsā€¦P1220175Thisā€™ll all be snow in another monthā€¦

And say, hereā€™s evidence that I actually do know how to ride a bike all by myself:


We went exploring off-road on Jimā€™s day off and IMG_20160915_114258062discovered the Trans-Canada trailā€¦

We didnā€™t go too far but we had a lovely time bumping alongā€¦


After refueling with a snack we rode along this canal that generates power by diverting waterā€¦Nevermind the technical stuff.Ā  I thought the water was lovely ( :


But the rocky ROUGHness of this path was a bit much!


Meanwhile, back at home, our front yard was transformed into a CycleCross course for a race on the weekend. P1220364P1220351

That was more excitement out the window than Iā€™m used to!

But today the quiet has been restored, and with it the regular rounds of a stealthy coyoteā€¦

P1220094Ā  After he had passed today along came what Iā€™m thinking was a fox, stalking and pouncing in the tall grass.Ā  Sweet.

And always when one needs to think, or to suspend thinking,Ā  there are my favorite trees to gaze at, now dressed up to welcome autumnā€¦




I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earthā€™s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

–Joyce Kilmer
