All the Season’s best to you and yours!

Christmas is simpler and quieter now that there are just the two old folks under this roof.ย  Bits of Christmases past come out to dangle and sparkle and add a little happy clutter for the month of ‘getting ready’…

And a few funky new things have joined the old and traditional…


No glamor here, but it’s homey, and we are grateful to have each other and to live near four out of seven grandkids.ย  Herein lies incentive to decorate and bake and wrap little packages. Oh! And to build ‘gingerbread’ houses…

ย ย 

I have enjoyed quiet mornings with Piper’s Indestructible Joy advent readings this year, highlighting the treasure that is ours in knowing Jesus.ย  May we see Him more and more clearly and love Him more and more dearly in this New Year.ย  This is my prayer for you and me both!

Blessings on you as you take time to consider the significance of that first Christmas morning.

Merry Christmsas from us and ours ( :


Thanks be to God for the indescribable gift of His grace to us in sending Jesus to be born into our world!


4 thoughts on “All the Season’s best to you and yours!

  1. Wow!! Those gingerbread houses are awesome. You have a lot of talent and are certainly spreading it around those lovely grandchildren.
    Enjoy your Christmas.


  2. ( : Hope you have had some sweet and memorable family times there, Gwen, as we have here. I introduced the grandkids to Grandma’s ‘Mud Hens’. They were a hit with their mama and now she will have the recipe…
    And so sweet traditions pass onward…

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