Looking back at Three Hundred Miles…

Well, it has been quite the vacation…a fitness vacation for sure.  We logged just over 300 miles in just over a week’s time and are now on the ferry home…Today, some clips from the journey in which we found not only beautiful wide open spaces but also the joy of touring them in the company of like-minded others…

Bellingham and beyond…

Every once in a long while you must stop by the road and consider another point of view…

cow noseP1110432

This was a long day for me, my longest to date—72 miles of pedaling across hill and dale, with and without company—P1110433P1110449P1110458P1110460P1110464



It concluded in an unexpectedly beautiful way,  huddled with 3 other tandem teams in an upper room of one of their homes overlooking Bellingham Bay, watching fireworks across the water…having shared not only a ride, but wonderful hospitality, a summer’s supper and a long walk getting to know each other. Such was the delightful day #2 of our tandem vacation!

Then off to Portland and surrounds…


There’s this amazing feature of cycling that enhances any food eaten, making even a 7-11 hotdog something worth raving about!  When you need food it tastes so good!




We passed many farmland miles.  I couldn’t get enough of snapping photos on the go…



And then we found this great bike shop…


…and spiffed up our ‘kit’ with memento jerseys and matching helmets…


…before heading back to Canada-land.

Heading home via Victoria…



One last ride around town…


…before packing it in to head home.


It’s been quite a vacation!


Oh LORD my God, you have accomplished many things; you have done amazing things and carried out your purposes for us.  No one can thwart you!  I want to declare them and talk about them, but they are too numerous to recount! Ps.40:5


What’s cooler than a tandem?

It’s that time of year again, time for the fitness vacation, via tandem.

First we took in Canada Day in the big city…





Then we drove South of the border to try out some flat miles and  link up with some other tandem aficionados.

What’s more cool than riding a tandem? 
Riding a tandem in company with other tandems! 
First there were just the two of us…


Then two more joined us…P1110413a

And then, what’s this?! There were four more!

P1110411 P1110426cropA whole sweet family on a ‘quad’!

We rode, and feasted along the way, P1110420crop

and shared our enthusiasms for the beautiful miles, together.


What a wonderful way to spend a summer’s day. 
Now for the watermelon and some sleep before we hit the road again tomorrow!