Gone with the Wind…

Knowing what a fair-weather sailor I am,  Jim grabbed the opportunity yesterday for one last (?) sunny sail before the rains set in….We took our bikes along and rode the length of Savary Island (5 miles) down dirt roads strewn with October’s scented finery of golden maple leaves… Glorious!


But before we could even get to the dock with our bikes the sun hid behind the one lone cloud in a vault of blue.  Rainbow iridescence shone at the edges.    We couldn’t entirely regret the sun’s hiding–it gave an awesome photo moment.  



[Curiously, this cloud never left and by the time we did, the sky was strewn with cotton… and once back  in the van headed home,  tiny spits of rain began…  But we had our glorious afternoon first!]  Let me show you some pics…


First there was the pedaling down quiet dirt roads… I’ve always loved tromping through autumn leaves smelling their sweet dying scent.  Today our tires had the same effect…


Then the arrival at the windy Indian Point:



The only Indian there was Jim!

Cycling back we gazed out at the wind-whipped seas on the other side of the island…




–a Beach whose name we do not know–

Then time to row back to "Chase Me" and let the wind chase us home…



And chase us it did!  The thrill of windpower never fades for a true sailor…  A fairweather landlubber can only glimpse the joy…midst reflections on wind and Spirit…

"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes…" (Jn.3:8)


2 thoughts on “Gone with the Wind…

  1. Wow! You know you live in one of the most beautiful places in BC…
    Nice post – I like how you incorporated the verse in there and a mini devotional. 🙂 I think it's awesome how we experience God's works in the little and big things (and the outings!) in life.

  2. True for you and me both I'd say!
    I guess this post is really just the surface of things that were brewing in my head and found their way to the more Ponderings blog… The verse was the connection point between the two…
    Thanks for the note ( ;

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