…and behold, it was very good

On Sunday afternoon we took a mountain bike jaunt over to what we call the “Tiny Town” overlook .  It’s been such a long time.


The bears have sort of taken over this area so I’ve stayed away.  But as the cooler weather comes they seem to retreat…so we ventured forth.


Speaking of cooler weather… This poor old fly has been grounded by the cold, reduced to creeping and hopping his days away. .


But he certainly does have a splendid place to do it!


Meanwhile the Paper Mill hums away down below…It is the reason our town exists, so we don’t mind…

P1130025Once the largest pulp and paper mill in the world, it has dwindled to a fraction of its former glory.  But still the chips come in (the pale ones for paper pulp, the dark ones for fuel to make steam and to generate power)… and every third day a barge full of paper ships out… while “The Hulks”  (abandoned concrete ships) do breakwater duty…


I can just imagine God surveying His creation from such a vantage point…


…and declaring it ‘very good’!


We agree!



“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.  And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.  Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.” Gen.1:31; 2:1

When Morning’s Light Comes Streaming


When morning’s light comes streaming

casting shadow

spreading warmth


Mists rise


Silhouetting harvest

Wakening the day–


This another day the Lord has made—for rejoicing and being glad.



–and I am off to do some garden tidying and turning in for winter…taking down of bean poles, gathering of pods for next year’s seed—glad to have the sun come streaming ( :

Stooping to See…

Sometimes it’s the little things that brighten a day…

What could be new in this yard of mine? I’ve seen it all, surely.
But perhaps there is some small something I have overlooked…

And with that in mind I went out for an after-breakfast stroll….

The texture of tree bark is interesting:

P1120882Cherry and alder…P1120883


P1120889pinePine and cedar…P1120907

Leaves are noteworthy too…

–an ‘ordinary’ maple and a little Big Leaf Maple!

P1120899P1120930Leaves just passing their prime, P1120931

and those long-gone…P1120929


Even a dandelion off-season,
hiding out from the rain under a garden bench,
merits a photo….


But I’ve seen these things before.
Surely there is something more…

(!) What’s that red button on the forest floor?


And stooping to see, I found what I was looking for–


Bright little ‘somethings’ I might have missed had I not stooped to see…

P1120916…their hidden huddles.P1120927mushrooms

Stoop to see the little things today. You’ll be glad you did.


For who hath despised the day of small things? Zech.4:10