The Dancing Days…

IMG_20151026_111851223_HDRJust outside my window, reaching an arm to frame my view, stands a young oak tree.  He has taken the place of the grand willow  left behind in Powell River.

Instead of willow boughs swinging sinuously in the breeze, now curled brown leaves fall translucent with autumn sun. leaves falling

Only they don’t just ’fall’. They dance their way to the ground swooping and twirling—one last fling before winter.  In so doing they catch my eye and are a great distraction from sitting at my computer trying to string words together…

So I succumbed to their charm and composed a haiku to celebrate.IMG_20151026_205201118

Curled leaves sashay down

Glowing gold though life is spent

Transfigured in death.

And since one verse couldn’t quite capture their grace, I wrote another:

Riding morning breeze

Oak leaves swirl dancing carefree

I watch in envy

And another.

Flurry of oak leaves

Fly wild outside my window

How can I sit still?

But when I did go out  in hopes of capturing their  image in flight I was surprised and sidetracked by a ‘rafter’ of turkeys [yes, that’s the technical word for a group of them; and now we’ve both learned something new!] happening by…



(They’re definitely not as good looking as eating— American Thanksgiving here we come!)

Alas, the leaves are mostly fallen now,


And blown away besides–thanks to the cyclonic winds of our new leaf blower that has no sense of the beauty of fallen leaves, P1190029P1190034only of tidy walkways…

The rains have returned after an exceptionally dry summer


And some subtle first snow flakes fell scarcely seen first thing this morning…

The dancing days are done.  It’s time…

to stow away gathered seeds, P1190300

P1190299   and fallen treasures…



Well, almost time. Maybe I can wait a little longer…

till the turkeys have stopped meandering about and have been eaten,

till the trees have all put away their fall color…IMG_20151030_155016195

and till I’ve dug out some candles to brighten a darkening world in their stead.


For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness.  Ps.18:28

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Jn.8:12


While the earth remains,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night,
shall not cease.


Things bloom here too…

P1180260I have loved portulaca since my childhood in NJ where they bloomed with abandon.  They did not do so well on the coast, but here once again I have portulaca blooms to enjoy.


French Marigolds are up for the job most anywhere…


And Nasturtium have answered the call bravely in this hot dry space. P1180268

The ‘Pot Marigold’ (officially Calendula) blooms here too, with that classic ‘bloom where you’re planted’  look.  I hope that I shall do as well.


There have been no travels this week, so I’ve taken time to finish up a picnic quilt for Rachel’s (just past) 20th birthday… P1180276

P1180277P1180278… made from old jumpers, jeans and skirts from our family’s  past life.


And I’ve commenced my second-ever illustrated journal.  The first page is a joint celebration of the harvesting of the Black Currants and the purchase of some Crayola markers just for fun!

Black Currant

and the next is my official just-learning-to-Doodle page….


And such have been the ‘blooms’ of my week.


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Eph.2:10









The flowers still bloom here…

What better place to spend a rainy day than a cozy and bright little fabric store.
Flowers are still in bloom here.


And funky paisley catches my eye with its blend of summer and fall color…


And the biggest problem on my mind is which ones to take home,

…and how  they will all manage to share one crazy quilt peaceably.P1160458


…so as to warm the newlyweds new home…


It is good to have such small problems fill my mind on a rainy day.  I needed a reprieve from  writing and books and study.

Crazy quilt here we come!!!


Have you ever tried a Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt?  They’re great fun!