The Glories of Winter–my collection

It is surely premature to post a round-up of winter photos as if the season were behind us just because the calendar page has flipped to March. However, the days are lengthening. The sun has returned to peek in our window briefly each morning.  And inevitably this draws me to think of spring and to hanker to put away the ‘ice grippers’ and winter layers and revel in sun on skin.  I begin to crave GREEN.  And the glory of Winter’s gleaming white loses some of its wonder.  So, today, I offer you my collection of winter moments in hopes that they will soon be supplanted with flowers and greenery!


Nevermind that we had fresh snowfall this weekend and that we’re still walking on about a foot of snow anywhere off the cleared pathways…We were up at the Banff natural hotsprings yesterday and I saw some wee aquatic plantlife.  And it was GREEN!  I can hardly wait!


Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it? The waters are hid as [with] a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.  Job 38:29-30 KJV

The Balm of Fall


In these parts the balm of Fall is largely past.  The golds have fluttered down. Bare branches reach skyward in hope that winter will not be eternal.  We’ve celebrated our harvests and endured Halloween.  Bike riding is over, the ski season open on select hills… We have only more cold and more snow to await. But I am grateful for the balm that October has been.

Though September had closed with enough snow to put my flowers to rest before the elk could
and to give us a free ski day right out the back door… thanks be to God the snow didn’t last!

And Fall will be remembered instead for peaceful walks in newly discovered locales…


God’s mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.




Gleanings from an elusive summer so far…

Summer as I think of it–hot with sunny skies–has been extremely spotty in its appearances this year which makes looking back on June and July’s gleanings somewhat deceptive.  In this mountain valley summer is unpredictable and moments must be intentionally captured. It seems we’ve done that!

With the stormy cold have come rainbows aplenty, even double ones.  And there have been flowers, outside and in (while the freezing nights abated).  There have been grandkid outings, and a few bike rides, and hikes and lots of opportunity to stay indoors and get some creative tasks done, for which there can be no big reveal yet, as the wedding hasn’t arrived quite yet!

So yes, I guess summer has come….

From small beginnings, pesto too comes… Two harvests, going on three, make pesto for months to come when the sun no longer shines in my window…

Yay!!! for formal gardens…

and wild ones…

for butterflies and granddaughter’s awe…

for hikes shared..

and rainbows that give solace after rain….

Yay!!! for bumblebee bottoms…

and the wild world they inhabit!

for picturesque vistas and the crazy pedalling home to beat the coming storm…


And for a wee harvest of edible wildness!

This has been our June and July.

But summer is in full force today so let me not linger here looking back!

Blessings on your days!


“I will keep watch for You, my strength, because God is my stronghold.  My faithful God will come to meet me…” Ps.59:9,10a