Welcome Calm


We woke to the welcome calm of a new day—rain-washed and wind-swept by the torrential rains and savage winds of the night…

Remains of the havoc wreaked lie at our doorstep.P1160423


A roof will need attention too.P1160426


But the morning breeze is invigorating.

The garden paths reflect the sky… P1160437

And all is well…P1160429

I’m grateful for a roof over my head, for the man under that roof who keeps me snug, P1160441

and for the privilege of calling the God whom all the winds obey, my Father.


Praise the LORD from the earth… fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word! Ps.148:7,8

He makes the clouds his chariot;
he rides on the wings of the wind.

He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man! Ps.107:29-31

Come sit a while…

It is a season for sitting and watching. The bustle of summer is history. My work of harvesting and preserving is done…Cycling is winding down with cool and rain more days than not.  And my body needs a break evidently.  This week sciatic pain reduced me to a poky hobble and the sun shone one morning so invitingly…I thought I may as well just sit a while and feel it’s precious warmth on my face…


…and watch this hungry acrobat glean the last of the sunflower seeds.P1160380P1160374




jay with seed

I would have missed his visit had I not taken time to sit a while and be still….


The ground beneath my feet is littered now with the first of the willow’s leaves


Above my head her gangly-arms stretch waiting to drop their load for raking and raking and raking…


But for now, I’ll just sit a while and treasure the opportunity to rest.P1160401


Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

The View from Scuttle Bay

The mellow of fall is upon us…

Nature’s first green is giving way to gold, her hardest hue to hold*…

Scuttle Bay

So we savor a quiet Sunday afternoon on a rocky shore


among busy crabs and  sea roaches scurrying to keep ahead of the rising tide


They have little notion of the glorious world they inhabit…

P1160343My hero



And we see but the faintest rumors of what will yet be…

The Strait


For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Rom.8:18



*Nothing Gold Can Stay

Robert Frost, 1874 – 1963

Nature’s first green is gold, 
Her hardest hue to hold. 
Her early leaf’s a flower; 
But only so an hour. 
Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
So Eden sank to grief, 
So dawn goes down to day. 
Nothing gold can stay.