I Must go down to the sea…

But first the bluffs…IMG_20141109_145053559_HDR

where a last flower blooms before frost comes…

IMG_20141109_152346171_HDR and berries are ramping up for Christmas…


Then on down the trail,  to the ocean…



…where we sit a while, my mate and I,

IMG_20141109_160935046IMG_20141109_161006581_HDRWe haven’t been in a while, but what better place to sit a bit on a Sunday’s afternoon,

as the sun falls from the sky to the sound of wind-whipped surf..





God’s works are awesome.


O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. 25 Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great. Ps.104:24,25

Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul. Ps.103:22

Come Ride with Me!

The rains have returned, making the days without it rare and treasured…

for walks beside the sea…IMG_20141101_115100296


and when the roads are dry, for the odd tandem ride.

Care to ride with us?  Experience a virtual tandem ride down our infamous Wildwood Hill here…


Come Ride with Me!

Exhilarating (and just a little scary if the truth be told) from the stokers’ point of view.  But a rare and treasured chance to enjoy the sunshine and crisp fall air.


The light is pleasant, and it is good for the eyes to see the sun. Eccl.11:7


P.S. If you’re reading this on your smart phone and the video doesn’t display, try this link:


The flowers still bloom here…

What better place to spend a rainy day than a cozy and bright little fabric store.
Flowers are still in bloom here.


And funky paisley catches my eye with its blend of summer and fall color…


And the biggest problem on my mind is which ones to take home,

…and how  they will all manage to share one crazy quilt peaceably.P1160458


…so as to warm the newlyweds new home…


It is good to have such small problems fill my mind on a rainy day.  I needed a reprieve from  writing and books and study.

Crazy quilt here we come!!!


Have you ever tried a Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt?  They’re great fun!