Come sit a while…

It is a season for sitting and watching. The bustle of summer is history. My work of harvesting and preserving is done…Cycling is winding down with cool and rain more days than not.  And my body needs a break evidently.  This week sciatic pain reduced me to a poky hobble and the sun shone one morning so invitingly…I thought I may as well just sit a while and feel it’s precious warmth on my face…


…and watch this hungry acrobat glean the last of the sunflower seeds.P1160380P1160374




jay with seed

I would have missed his visit had I not taken time to sit a while and be still….


The ground beneath my feet is littered now with the first of the willow’s leaves


Above my head her gangly-arms stretch waiting to drop their load for raking and raking and raking…


But for now, I’ll just sit a while and treasure the opportunity to rest.P1160401


Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

Summer’s benediction


P1160272The grass grows long and wan now, intermingled with fallen willow leaves, awaiting one last cutting before winter…


And I lounge beneath the willows dappled shade restless with not knowing how best to spend this perfect and perhaps last summer’s day—read? write? nap? think deep and sentimental thoughts of summer’s passing…


I do a bit of each on the way to realizing that what I most want to do is just be present and still in this moment, unfettered by what I should do, could do, might do or ought perhaps to do…

Yes, this is what Sunday is for– celebrating the need to do nothing but revel in what God has already done.

Thank-you Lord…

For the dapple of light filtering through long willow fronds,
the brilliant nasturtium and marigold faces just beyond.

For this gentle breath of wind and last summer’s warmth of sun on skin.

It’s all so delectable, so restful, so…GOOD.


Sunflowers hang their heads like weary sentinels; They are heavy with seed for passing birds…P1160305P1160302

And I listen to birdsong in the quiet wake of neighborhood lawn mowing now ceased,


as autumn steals softly in with this day of benediction for all the goodness of summer.


“And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Gen.1:12

“All your works shall give thanks to you, O LORD, and all your saints shall bless you.” Ps.145:10
