Grotto Canyon…

We had just enough time if we hurried.  P1200125

Day was at its fading end as we reached the canyon…

P1200127P1200132P1200138P1200133Ice still lingers here—cause for careful steps!


And then, as the canyon opened up we found the grotto…


Scaling the slope was much harder than met the eye.P1200152

I just watched; I have new hiking boots on order…

Then we hastily retraced our steps


Emerging from the canyon in time to catch the pinking of the sky…



What a lovely way to finish out a day ( :


The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.
Ps. 19:1-2, a psalm of David

No want of places to hike…

Well, I am a few hikes behind in posting pictures here. There are a world of hikes to be had here and scenery everywhere!

I have joined up with a little group of regular hikers for a couple weeks in a row now.  They are older than I but still hitting the trails every week. They’ve been doing it for 11 years faithfully so I have lots of places to discover.

We strolled to Middle Lake in Bow Valley Park one Thursday…


And I learned all about Scotland on the way thanks to this gal’s great story telling…P1200084

(She’s also quite a photographer!)


There are hot springs active here…

And less active one-legged geese (lol)P1200097


And migrating swans…P1200103

And the first wildflowers are just making their appearance…P1200104P1200108 The “Prairie Crocus”, also known as the Pasque flower, is the first harbinger of spring, though it’s not a crocus at all, but an Anemone.   We are now officially acquainted ( ;


The next  of “Ruthie’s Hikes” took us into Banff on a cool day with weather brewing!  We walked the circuits surrounding Johnson Lake…


This was once mining country…all traces of the town that lay below this overlook are now gone.



We stopped by an old hermit’s cabin along the way—seems he lived here for 27 years avoiding society.
I’m sure there have been many more visitors to his cabin since his passing than in his lifetime!




A few of us oldies tried out a trailside swing over the bluff. Eeks!



Despite the day’s chill spring is making headway here…



I for one will be glad to see it warm up a bit.  I have not yet learned to dress just right for the fickle weather.  I ended up borrowing a coat!


The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Ps.24:1

Free Ferry!

We thought we were done with ferries.  Not so.


But this ferry to nowhere was free…





And it was the gateway to a beautiful bit of trail P1190236P1190239





with a lot of quiet at the end…P1190250a





and a lighthouse!P1190264




On the return tripIMG_20151024_141032956_HDRI stood alone on the end of the deck,

imagining a far-away Strait to a familiar place we once called home…



“Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless you…”Gen.26:3

I will sojourn in thy tent for ever; I will take refuge in the covert of thy wings. Selah. Ps.61:4DBY
