The Sound of Autumn…

I heard them bugling with the light of dawn… an eerie hollow strained sound ending with a tinny whistle.
I snuck out of bed to watch them from the front window and then the porch—a whole herd of elk just outside my door, feeding on bushes and tips of spruce as they wandered along in the quiet of early morning… P1210982

The mothers keeping watch over their gangly half-grown offspring  eyed me suspiciously standing there in my pajamas…The buck noted my existence but seemed unimpressed… P1210981and then a second larger grander buck came striding intently across my line of vision oblivious to my presence. All the others cleared out of his way, the younger buck taking the lead, and moved along out of view around the end of our string of houses…  Rutting season has begun.P1210991





The following morning I came out to breakfast less impressed.  Not only are elk wild, majestic and awesome to watch… They also eat petunias, ravage lobelia, and generally have no sense of the aesthetic value of a profusion of potted flowers on an otherwise sterile porch…  They left me a straggle of  pansiesIMG_20160829_125702139 and a few token petunias, and the dirt.  The time for flowers is past.  Autumn is upon us, and with it, the elk.

So I took my camera and went scavenging for any remaining beauties in the meadow…

P1220042P1210999P1220003P1220004P1220008P1220014P1220016The bees are scavenging too.P1220019P1220028P1220030P1220038

We squeezed in another hike on a day of mixed sun and cloud…This time, Tunnel Mountain, which sits smack dab in the middle of Banff.  It reminded us of hiking up Scout

Here it is from the highway:

Tunnel Mountain Banff

And here’s the view from both sides at the top…

The Bow River, winds its turquoise thread through the valley


The one remaining highlight of the week was getting to spectate ( :  as The Tour of Alberta got underway on Day 2 from the heart of Kananaskis country just down the highway from us.

IMG_20160902_122656626_HDR Pretty neat!


O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Ps.104:24 ESV












A cup of Tea?

Summer will not long be with us.  Already a dusting of snow has appeared on the mountain ranges around us.  So we’ve squeezed in a few hikes this month…I’ll let you guess which was my favorite!

Up, Up and UP we went to find the fabled ‘Teahouse’ on Lady MacDonald, which rises just across the highway from townLady McDonald HikeIMG_20160818_114144179IMG_20160818_123438098_HDRIMG_20160818_123452092_HDRIMG_20160818_123553621_HDRIMG_20160818_123811211_HDR

The ascent was a doozer, steep and relentless,  and we never did find the teahouse, only a helicopter pad…


Had we read more closely we would have realized that the elusive teahouse was never completed.  This failed enterprise of some tycoon visionary was demolished a few years back.   All that remains is the helicopter pad that would have saved the diners an arduous hike!

But had we come just a few years sooner we might have seen this:

and the gazebo that is no moreTeahouse Lady McDonald[from Internet archives…]

Climbing three thousand feet in under 2 1/2 miles is difficult but the descent was at least as bad! IMG_20160818_130832731

My quads complained for days! They are accustomed to pedaling, not climbing and descending.

At least now I can point to this mountainIMG_20160818_172234133and tell you just where the helicopter pad sits and how once-upon-a-time we climbed up to it…


Well, that was last week.  Hoping to ‘lock in’ these climbing muscles  we went for another summit in Banff a couple days ago—Sulphur Mountain.  IMG_20160825_114449168_HDR

We once took the gondola but not this time. IMG_20160825_114456487_HDR IMG_20160825_121948567

A seemingly endless series of switchbacks tamed the 2,283 feet of rise, spreading it nicely over 3 1/2 miles.  And this time there was a real coffeehouse at the top from which to survey the expanse of Banff


and to wait out a passing squall.

Then we hustled down the mountain to dine at McD’s and hurry home to get ready for the kids coming for a birthday celebration!

With them we did another sweeter hike the following day.

This time, just 2.8 miles round trip and just 853 feet of rise, but with smaller feet and shorter legs it was a triumph for all!


The rock faces around Grassi Lakes are a rock climber’s destination, so some of us tried a hand at that too…



P1210931climbing in the wilds

It was a splendid day!





Ho-ho cake anyone?


Go and walk through the land, and describe it, and come again to me… Joshua 18:8

Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. Ps.89:15

Our Princess has found her prince…

sarah1Sarah holding blue Ducksarah and JimSarah and Jim down the aisleS and B 3the ceremony 3Sarah and Bryce

The car

And we gathered from far and near as a family to witness their wedding… P1210639Sisters!P1210665Sisters!P1210670baby SisterP1210663my firstborn and his familyGrand Kids!






and to celebrate family, new and old!

the latest addition to our familyour second son and his familynew grandbaby, Alexis

We shared sunshine and a bit of rain, picnics, walks, water and wonder…




The Patriarch of this clan

Its a LONG way down



There was laughter,  and there were tears…


And way too soonP1210793 we parted ways againP1210775P1210778P1210776 for our separate worlds…

We are grateful for all that God has done for us. Children are a heritage from Him.


“Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children.

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,

and establish the work of our hands upon us;

yes, establish the work of our hands!”

