Stooping to See…

Sometimes it’s the little things that brighten a day…

What could be new in this yard of mine? I’ve seen it all, surely.
But perhaps there is some small something I have overlooked…

And with that in mind I went out for an after-breakfast stroll….

The texture of tree bark is interesting:

P1120882Cherry and alder…P1120883


P1120889pinePine and cedar…P1120907

Leaves are noteworthy too…

–an ‘ordinary’ maple and a little Big Leaf Maple!

P1120899P1120930Leaves just passing their prime, P1120931

and those long-gone…P1120929


Even a dandelion off-season,
hiding out from the rain under a garden bench,
merits a photo….


But I’ve seen these things before.
Surely there is something more…

(!) What’s that red button on the forest floor?


And stooping to see, I found what I was looking for–


Bright little ‘somethings’ I might have missed had I not stooped to see…

P1120916…their hidden huddles.P1120927mushrooms

Stoop to see the little things today. You’ll be glad you did.


For who hath despised the day of small things? Zech.4:10