Island Livingā€¦

We donā€™t actually live on an island, but stillā€¦ youā€™ve got to take a ferry to find long flat miles to pedalā€¦ So one fine morning in order to make the most of some pre-fall sunshine we took off for Vancouver Island to pedalā€¦


Ironically, our ultimate destination was another much smaller islandā€¦


via a smaller ferryā€¦P1110990


Lovely country roads wend by pastures and quiet hauntsā€¦ even a picturesque marsh.


We even got to do some walking this time aroundā€¦


up a woodland trail in cool dappled shade to an overlook of ā€¦


the lighthouse station on Chrome Island!P1120010

Now that would be a little place to live; weā€™d have to get a stationery tandem!
I think I shall count my blessingsā€¦


Whew! by dayā€™s end weā€™d pedaled 68 miles and I was more than ready for the ferry ride homeā€¦



He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. Ps.23:2


P1110913 We buzzed slowly up Loon Lake in little old Bombie

to our favorite deserted island,P1110856

pungent with the irresistible elixir of sun-baked sphagnum mossā€¦


to spend the afternoon alone




Well, not quite aloneā€¦the beach was rather crowded with these miniature frogsā€¦


and there definitely were onlookers who viewed us with suspicion for having come to spoil their repose.



But otherwise, we had the world to ourselves.


And I couldn’t help reflecting, why us, here, nowā€¦P1110920

At leisure to enjoy such beautyā€¦ (and such reflections!)





I donā€™t have the answers except to know that it is all of grace,
and I am grateful.



He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us allā€”how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Rom.8:32

To Water or to Digā€¦

I went strolling out for my morning garden tour with no particular mission in mind.Ā  But when I got to the potato patch I wonderedā€¦ shall I water these sad looking plants–some yellowing, some clearly dead, others chipper and green and trying to thrive despite their want of regular watering–or shall I digā€¦

Bracing myself for disappointment I grabbed a hand rake and scritched at the surface of some of the withered lifeless vinesā€¦when what should appear but a lovely dusty potato!!! YIPEE!

I scritched and scratched some more, and more potatoes–whites ones and red ones, even one JUMBO one (thereā€™s always one fellow that taps into the water just right and busts his buttons outgrowing the rest).Ā  And soon I was hunting down the pitchfork and digging deeper to turn up buried treasure.

Wonderful hot sweaty work it was in the morning sun.Ā  But I turned about a square yard of that bed and I have potatoes for many potato salads to come!


The moral of the story is, donā€™t judge a garden or a life by its surface.Ā  Fruit may not be visible but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not there.Ā  Dig a little.Ā  Get to know whatā€™s beneath the surface of that foliage, that face, that lifestyleā€¦.You may be inĀ  for a surprise!Ā 


In other news this weekā€¦

  • We watched rampaging Redcoats (aka the RCMP Musical Ride)


  • motored across the lake for a swimā€¦


  • beheld my Japanese Anemone in bloomĀ  (I love it!Ā  Thanks Nola!)


  • Walked the neighborhood admiring neighborā€™s dahlias



  • and documented the wonder of being togetherā€¦

for just a little longerā€¦P1110828

while this bedazzlingly warm and dry summer fleets sweetly awayā€¦but not without notice!


ā€œTo every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavenā€¦ā€ Eccl. 3:1