It’s that time of year…where there’s no certainty that summer won’t up and leave any given day. There seem to be spiders everywhere spinning webs to catch the last prey of the season, basking in the sun’s gold rays as the days are already getting shorter…
Creatures appear in the garden munching out their life cycles…
A round of wonderfully hot days (do you call 78 degrees hot?!) have now abruptly ended. We too have tried to take our fill of them. What better time to hike to a quiet gem of a lake for an afternoon in our own little Eden…
Times like these we wonder why we would ever want to live anyplace else…
An old canoe sits by the dock for the use of hikers-by…
Lily pads and dragon flies are the only company to share the day…
And we make another idyllic memory to hold us steady when the sun is gone for good and the rains return… Is summer gone? We shall see…
…and shall console ourselves in its return, someday…
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Gen.8:22