Recalling 2012…

Lindy in stroller - 63Well the year rolled in with this little chickadee turning fifty…and it ended with all but one of her fledglings having flown, one at year’s beginning:




The other at its end:



Still there is the ‘baby’…P1050105

…who is counting days till she can move away to warmer climes and be done with math and science and all such things…

Meanwhile the emptying nesters are pulling together…

Our  tandem was shiny new and untried last January.P1040652 It has now carried us along safely for 1,100 miles. Lots of them were routine rides in 20 mile increments, but there was one longer stint–our now annual bike trip to tour the Gulf Islands we missed last time around!


Summer had its usual share of leisure in water and sun, of sailing and cycling and swimming…[P1060368%255B4%255D.jpg]P1060708

P1070275Manson's Landing

and of tending the garden and smelling the flowers…


P1080231P1070050Rachel's sunflower

Meanwhile prayer hikes ceased with the passing of our fearless and persistent leader, Maureenimage

The crowning event of the summer came in late August with a text message received while we sat and sunned at the top of Scout Mountain: “He looks like a fish!” Another grandson had been born and we hit the road to welcome him.

P1070975P1080102[He bore no resemblance to a fish, as far as I could see!]


The summer extended itself into an especially beautiful fall…allowing us to get out sailing and cycling some more…






October finished with the passing of Jim’s mom to glory and a trip to the prairies to commemorate with family a life well lived.


And of course we caught up with the growing progeny:


Then came a month of ordinary days dappled with light and shadow…


till the Advent season came round again… and with it our 29th anniversary

P1090042 P1090172and the coming together of the whole family under one roof to share all our fondest traditions of Christmas.  Wonderful!


And then they were gone.  The decorations came down.  The fridge emptied. And quiet returned.

And at last, today, I got out for a walk….


And that has been our year in a nutshell!

Wishing you all God’s best for you and yours in this new year!


2 thoughts on “Recalling 2012…

  1. Dear heart, I am soo glad you posted the pictures of the family at Christmas. What fun to see how they all have grown! Miss you all.

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