OK, so I think seeds are pretty cool. I save them every year in hopes of planting them come spring… pretty cool, but not really very pretty. Well, I had another look this week and Behold what wonders God hath wrought!!

What do you think this is?!



No, not a peppercorn. In fact it’s only the size of a pencil point…

Or consider this fleck:



A lizard toenail? Or a seed the size of a ground pepper flake?



Here we have same color, whole new shapeliness. Again, picture pepper…

Our next candidate may be more familiar–think sweet smelling fragrance but really only a fraction the size of a pea:




This one looks like a neighbor, only sleeker and smoother and found in the wild on a very rainy afternoon.



But these are getting boring. Now for something completely different, and no, it’s not a seashell!



In fact it’s only the size of a pencil eraser in diameter… Can you guess it?

Our next candidate re-seeds itself prolifically in my garden though I continue to save quantities of these pointy seeds just case. They are similar in size to a Grape Nut (or a grape seed for that matter)!





Here’s an innocuous little fellow, not an avocado though. Think tiny black speck again, like pepper. And it grows in the warmth of the greenhouse with the green peppers. Mmmm…. love the smell.

OK, here’s one I don’t even know. It may be a #2 that snuck it’s way into the wrong bucket but will have to remain a mystery till it shows its stuff… Pretty cool shape anyway.



But the scariest one is yet to come, are you ready?



Oooo, hairy too! I didn’t see the hairs till magnified. Good thing people grind these up before they eat them! Look carefully and you may recognize this one. It’s roughly the size of a peppercorn…

And last but not least, here’s the one that got us started on this macro-scopic journey. Who’d have known that such a seed, making such an exotic flower and such an ornate pod, would itself be so cool.



This one is also edible, seen on muffins, bagels and etc…

Here’s the pod it comes from:

poppy pod

And that’s the collection to date!

Care to guess what’s what? The possibilities are as follows:

a) Basil

b) Sweet Pea

c) Kale

d) Sweet William

e) Poppy

f) Yellow Lupine

g) Cilantro/Coriander

h) Hollyhock

i) a tall perennial with feathery spikes of purple flowers that I have yet to learn the name of!!

j) the mystery one I have to plant to see if it’s just another #2

k) Swiss Chard!


And just to encourage you to try, there will be a seedy reward for the grand winner who correctly matches the most seeds with their respective plant…

Submit your guesses in the Comment Box at your leisure.
Thanks for playing ( ;


“He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.” (IICor.9:10,11)

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